S3 Ep41: Let's Talk About Branding with from Within with Kimmy Scotti

Regardless of which type of brand you are building, you are ultimately building a brand to resonate with people. Understanding those people and what will resonate with them is a hugely important part of branding. And today's guest, Kimmy Scotti has built brands from her own personal interests and as an investor in other people's brands.

Today we're gonna talk about what goes into brand building, what you really need to know if you're going to be building a brand, what the important elements of her brand are, and what she looks for as an investor.

Today’s guest is Kimmy Scotti. She is the co-founder of Fig.1, serial entrepreneur and venture capitalist, is a self-ascribed skincare obsessive. She is also a founding partner at 8VC where she focuses on consumer and healthcare investments.

Tune in as we talk about:

[00:00] Introductions
[03:34] On a personal level, what are some brands that were part of Kimmy’s earliest experiences with brand affinity?
[05:43] Kimmy tells us about the accidental way she started her jewelry business at the age of 15.
[10:01] How did Kimmy become an investor and start 8VC?
[14:23] When you are highly creative how do you learn when to step in or stay out of a brand you are investing in?
[16:21] How does Kimmy advise on brands that are not in her area of expertise?
[19:00] What does Kimmy look for in the brands that she wants to invest in?
[22:01] We talk about why Kimmy started her own skincare line rather than invest in one and what the experience of launching a new brand was like.
[28:22] Kimmy gives three pieces of advice to someone looking to build a new brand.

Connect with Kimmy Scotti:

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kimmyscotti/
Website: https://fig-1.co/